Sunday, May 15, 2011


I don't function that well when I haven't had enough sleep.  My family would agree and say I get cranky but really I don't, I tend to get quiet (mostly because I am busy biting my tongue because just about everything they do drives me crazy).  Fortunately for all of us, I usually manage to get adequate sleep except for when Ian is away like he was last night. It is then that my hyperactive imagination kicks into high gear and my sleep is fitful to say the least. Needless to say I was a little tired today.

While chatting to a young friend at church this morning I noticed she seemed a little down and not her usual bubbly self.  I asked her "Why so glum?"  My son Matthew answered for her "She has a pretty legitimate reason."
"Yeah, her dad died yesterday"
I knew that.

Later in the day, I took three of my grandkids to a birthday celebration for a one year old.  They had a great time and were especially thrilled when they received a little bag of goodies each to come home with.  I piled them into the car and was half way to their house when I heard a little voice from the back of the van.
"Uh oh Nona, I'm not buckled in!'
I immediately stopped the van and buckled William in.  He is usually so good at reminding us if he is not properly buckled into his seat but I think he was distracted with his bag of goodies.
"hmmm" I said "do you think we should tell mommy and daddy about this?"
"I'm telling them as soon as I get home!" was his reply.
Apparently, I wasn't getting away with it.
It was when I turned the corner onto the street they live on that I realized that I hadn't buckled Maia into her car seat either.
Imagine how excited I was to go in and make that confession to their parents.

I'm laying low for the rest of the day.

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