Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Did you think I fell off the face of the earth?  I can't believe I have let so much time pass without writing a post for my blog.  I blame it on...

  • the weather.  It has been absolutely amazing with sunshine and warm temperatures. Our Canadian winters are cold and long so I take full advantage of the summer.
  • the grandkids. They have been visiting lots and we've been having tons of fun.
  • parties.  I have hosted a couple and been to a couple.   I think/hope we're done for a while although I do have an Olympics party planned for the family at some point this summer.
  • the flu.  I had the grandkids here when the first one got it. They went home the next day and one by one the entire family came down with it.  Ian got it a couple of weeks later and kindly passed it on to me.
There's been a change in the nighttime noises here.  The sound of crickets is drowning out the song of the frogs in the pond and it is a sure sign that we are heading into the second half of summer.  I feel like there is much still to do with the kids before September when both WIlliam and Maia head off to school and I won't get to see them as much.

I hope you're enjoying your summer as much as I am.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fionna, I went to Orillia on Saturday. My sister had no Food in her house cause she was just getting in from 2 weeks away. Their phone was not working , neither was her internet, And there was No hot water in her house .. and cause it was the long weekend .. no repairman til Tuesday. On Monday night we took Cathy's dog Mikko for his evening walkie in the nearby newly built suburb/forested area... with my Mom's dog, Marley . The whole family decided to take the walk with us. Mikko went into the woods and got sprayed by a skunk!. Marley got some on him to.. It was So Awful. We spent that evening wrestling Stink-Dog and pouring "NOK-OUT"[de-skunk] and Tomato Juice on him .. The parts of his coat that were white.. now a odd shade of pinky-red. [and I have to add this, Mikko upset a wasp nest under my sisters Camper last week.. 5 stings to his face, same day he attacked a porcupine. 100's of quills in his face..poor guy, He is having a Bad summer}
