Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This past weekend we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving as well as Ava's first birthday.   Here are some of the highlights.

I made Avocado Shakes for the second time in two days.  So very, very, yummy!

I made this little cake for Ava (easy to do but a little time consuming).

Here she is enjoying it.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so summer like and yet we were into the second week of October. Lilah is in just her diaper here.  Maybe there is actually something to this global warming thing.

We had a little glitch over the weekend when we discovered that the sink was clogged just as we were about to do all the dishes from our big Thanksgiving dinner.  Ben figured he could clear it with the plunger so before he did,  I tied a tea towel around a pipe that has been known to leak slightly while being plunged. 

While Ben plunged the one side of the double sink, I held the plug down in the other.  We both felt our feet getting wet at the same time and looked down to see water running out onto the floor.  There was a panicked call for towels....

and a quick race downstairs to see if it was seeping through the floor onto the ceiling below...

...It was.

Long story short
  • the whole drain is broken.
  • we had to dishes in the laundry tub.
  • we are still waiting for a plumber.
  • I own about fifty towels.
  • most were used to clean up the mess.
  • I now know how fat my butt is (I need to lay off the Avocado Shakes).

After all the excitement, we went outside , sat around the fire, watched the moon come up and enjoyed some of these.
All in all, it was a nearly perfect weekend.   We just missed Daniel, Olivia, and Adam.


  1. Avocado shakes are fattening? no way!

  2. I love it! Nothing like a little drama to spice up the holidays. Ps. Your butt isn't big! And I need to come visit you again now that you have mastered the avocado shakes!
